
>w## Notice > * please include the header file "bwsdk_api.h" first when you want to use scanbar `#include "bwsdk_api.h"` ### data structure ``` #define SCANBAR_RLED (0x01) ///< RED LED #define SCANBAR_WLED (0x02) ///< WRITE LED typedef enum { BARSCAN_MODE_CONTINUE = 0, BARSCAN_MODE_ONCE = 1, BARSCAN_MODE_MOTIONDETECT = 2, BARSCAN_MODE_ONED_ONLY = 3, BARSCAN_MODE_MOTIONDETECT_MINI = 4, BARSCAN_MODE_MAX, MERCURY_ENUM_BARSCAN_MODE_MAX = 0x7fffffff }BARSCAN_MODE_VALUE_E; typedef enum { BARSCAN_FEATURE_ALL = 0, BARSCAN_FEATURE_PAY, BARSCAN_FEATURE_BOX_PAY, BARSCAN_FEATURE_MAX, MERCURY_ENUM_FEATURE_MAX = 0x7fffffff }BARSCAN_FEATURE_CONFIGURE_E; /** * @brief ScanBar parameter */ typedef struct { int power_mode; ///< 0 - Abort after success, 1 - Suspend after success int scan_mode; ///< refer BARSCAN_MODE_VALUE_E, Scan mode int feature; ///< refer BARSCAN_FEATURE_CONFIGURE_E, Scan feature config } scanbar_param_t; ``` >i## ScanBarSetParam ### Prototype `void ScanBarSetParam(scanbar_param_t *param);` ### Function * set scanbar parameter ### Parameter |Name|Type|description| |-|-|-| |param|scanbar_param_t *|scanbar parameter structure| ### Retval |Value|Type|Description| |-|-|-| |none||| >i## ScanBarEnableNoticeTone ### Prototype `void ScanBarEnableNoticeTone(int onoff);` ### Function * set scanbar notice tone on or off ### Parameter |Name|Type|description| |-|-|-| |onoff|int|1-on; 0-off| ### Retval |Value|Type|Description| |-|-|-| |none||| >i## ScanBarStart ### Prototype `int ScanBarStart(void);` ### Function * start scanbar ### Parameter |Name|Type|description| |-|-|-| |none||| ### Retval |Value|Type|Description| |-|-|-| |0|int|SUCCESS| |-1|int|fail| >i## ScanBarGetData ### Prototype `int ScanBarGetData(unsigned char *pdata, int buf_sz, int tov_ms);` ### Function * get scanbar data ### Parameter |Name|Type|description| |-|-|-| |pdata|unsigned char *|scanbar data buffer| |buf_sz|int|pdata buffer size| |tov_ms|int|timeout time ms| ### Retval |Value|Type|Description| |-|-|-| |>0|int|scanbar data length| |=0|int|timeout| |<0|int|error| >i## ScanBarPause ### Prototype `int ScanBarPause(void);` ### Function * pause scanbar ### Parameter |Name|Type|description| |-|-|-| |none||| ### Retval |Value|Type|Description| |-|-|-| |=0|int|SUCCESS| |<0|int|fail| >i## ScanBarStop ### Prototype `int ScanBarStop(void);` ### Function * stop scanbar ### Parameter |Name|Type|description| |-|-|-| |none||| ### Retval |Value|Type|Description| |-|-|-| |=0|int|SUCCESS| |<0|int|fail| >i## ScanBarLightSet ### Prototype `int ScanBarLightSet(unsigned int conf_param, unsigned int onoff);` ### Function * set scanbar light on or off ### Parameter |Name|Type|description| |-|-|-| |conf_param|unsigned int|SCANBAR_RLED, SCANBAR_WLED| |onoff|unsigned int|1-on; 0-off| ### Retval |Value|Type|Description| |-|-|-| |=0|int|SUCCESS| |<0|int|fail| >s## Example ``` ///< set scanbar param scanbar_param_t barcfg = {1, BARSCAN_MODE_ONCE, BARSCAN_FEATURE_ALL}; ScanBarSetParam(&barcfg); ///< set scanbar notice tone on ScanBarEnableNoticeTone(1); ///< start scanbar int iRet = 0; iRet = ScanBarStart(); ///< set scanbar notice tone on int iLen = 0, iRet = 0; unsigned char barBuff[256] = {0}; ///< open scanbar iRet = ScanBarStart(); if (iRet < 0) { return iRet; } ///< turn on scanbar light ScanBarLightSet(SCANBAR_WLED | SCANBAR_RLED, 1); while (1) { iLen = ScanBarGetData(barBuff, sizeof(barBuff), 500); ///< success if (iLen > 0) { break; } ///< error else if (iLen < 0) { break; } ///< timeout else { continue; } } ///< turn off scanbar light ScanBarLightSet(SCANBAR_WLED | SCANBAR_RLED, 0); ///< close scanbar ScanBarStop(); ///< pause scanbar int iRet = 0; iRet = ScanBarPause(); ///< stop scanbar int iRet = 0; iRet = ScanBarStop(); ///< set scanbar light on int iRet = 0; iRet = ScanBarLightSet(SCANBAR_WLED | SCANBAR_RLED, 1); ```