Led Light
>w## Notice
> * please include the header file "bwsdk_api.h" when you need to use the LED
`#include "bwsdk_api.h"`
>i## Data Structure
```#define RF_LED_RED 0x80 ///< control bitmask of RF RED LED
#define RF_LED_YELLOW 0x40 ///< control bitmask of RF YELLOW LED
#define RF_LED_GREEN 0x20 ///< control bitmask of RF GREEN LED
#define RF_LED_BLUE 0x10 ///< control bitmask of RF BLUE LED
>i## SpSysLedOn
### Prototype
`int SpSysLedOn(unsigned char ucLedOnMsk);`
### Function
* turn on the ucLedOnMsk specified Led
### Parameter
|ucLedOnMsk|unsigned char|Led mask : RF_LED_RED,RF_LED_YELLOW,RF_LED_GREEN,RF_LED_BLUE|
### Retval
>i## SpSysLedOff
### Prototype
`int SpSysLedOff(unsigned char ucLedOffMsk);`
### Function
* turn off the ucLedOffMsk specified Led
### Parameter
|ucLedOffMsk|unsigned char|Led mask : RF_LED_RED,RF_LED_YELLOW,RF_LED_GREEN,RF_LED_BLUE|
### Retval
>i## SpSysLedFlash
### Prototype
`int SpSysLedFlash(unsigned char ucLedFlshMsk, unsigned int uiOnMs, unsigned int uiOffMs);`
### Function
* flash the ucLedFlshMsk specified Led
### Parameter
|ucLedFlshMsk|unsigned char|Led mask : RF_LED_RED,RF_LED_YELLOW,RF_LED_GREEN,RF_LED_BLUE|
|uiOnMs|unsigned int|turn ont the Led time|
|uiOffMs|unsigned int|turn off the Led time|
### Retval
>s## Example
///< turn on the red Led
int iRet = 0;
iRet = SpSysLedOn(RF_LED_RED);
if (!iRet) {
///< turn off the red Led
///< flash the green Led
iRet = SpSysLedFlash(RF_LED_GREEN, 750, 250);