>w## Notice
> * please include the header file "bwsdk_api.h" when you need to use terminal interface
`#include "bwsdk_api.h"`
>i## data structure
* @brief System time
typedef struct {
unsigned short year; ///< year 2000 ~ 2049
unsigned short mon; ///< month 1 - 12
unsigned short day; ///< day 1 - 31
unsigned short hour; ///< hour 0 - 23
unsigned short min; ///< minutes 0 - 59
unsigned short sec; ///< second 0 - 59
unsigned short wday; ///< week 0 - 6 (week days, from 0 to 6)
} tsSysTime;
* @brief Sleep Level
typedef enum {
SLEEP_LEVEL_NOSLEEP = 0, ///< No sleep, screen will not auto turn off
SLEEP_LEVEL_SYSTEM = 1, ///< Screen auto turn off after timeout, system will enter sleep after screen off.
SLEEP_LEVEL_DEEP = 2, ///< Screen auto turn off after timeout, subsystem (eg: WIFI) will enter lowpower mode after deep sleep timeout.
SLEEP_LEVEL_UNINITED = 3 ///< Sleep level has not been set.
} sleep_level_t;
>i## BWSP_Power
### Prototype
`void BWSP_Power(int onoff);`
### Function
* SP power on/off
### Parameter
|onoff|int|[in] 0: power off, 1: power on|
### Retval
>i## GetDSN
### Prototype
`int GetDSN(unsigned char *snData, unsigned int len);`
### Function
* Get device SN number
### Parameter
|snData|unsigned char *|[out] Serial number data, size fixed 64 bytes|
|len|unsigned int|size of snData|
### Retval
>i## GetMercuryPlatformVer
### Prototype
`unsigned int GetMercuryPlatformVer(void);`
### Function
* Get system platform version
### Parameter
### Retval
|platform version (Binary code)|unsigned int|example 0x00010901 is V1.9.1|
>i## BWSDK_GetSysLibVersion
### Prototype
`char* BWSDK_GetSysLibVersion(void);`
### Function
* Get the system lib version
### Parameter
### Retval
|string of syslib version|char *|no need free|
>i## BWSDK_GetVersion
### Prototype
`char *BWSDK_GetVersion(unsigned char *maj, unsigned char *mid, unsigned char *min);`
### Function
* Get BWSDK version number
### Parameter
|maj|unsigned char *|high part of version number|
|mid|unsigned char *|middle part of version number|
|min|unsigned char *|low part of version number|
### Retval
|version number string|char *|no need to free, example 01.00.01|
>i## AppLib_GetVersion
### Prototype
`char* AppLib_GetVersion(void);`
### Function
* get applib version
### Parameter
### Retval
|applib version string|char *|no need free|
>i## DelayMs
### Prototype
`void DelayMs(unsigned int ms);`
### Function
* Delay specified ms
### Parameter
|ms|unsigned int|millisecond number|
### Retval
>i## GetSysTickCount
### Prototype
`unsigned int GetSysTickCount(void);`
### Function
* Get system tick count from power on to current
### Parameter
### Retval
|tick count|unsigned int|1ms/tick|
>i## GetSysLocalTime
### Prototype
`int GetSysLocalTime(tsSysTime *time);`
### Function
* Get system local time
### Parameter
|time|tsSysTime *|[out] system time got|
### Retval
>i## SetSysLocalTime
### Prototype
`int SetSysLocalTime(tsSysTime *time);`
### Function
* Setup system local time
### Parameter
|time|tsSysTime *|[int] system time want to set to|
### Retval
>i## IsCharging
### Prototype
`int IsCharging(void);`
### Function
* Get system charging status
### Parameter
### Retval
|0|int|NOT charging|
>i## IsChargerExist
### Prototype
`int IsChargerExist(void);`
### Function
* Check if the charger existing
### Parameter
### Retval
|0|int|Charger not exist|
|1|int|Charger exist|
>i## IsBatteryExist
### Prototype
`int IsBatteryExist(void);`
### Function
* Check if the main battery existing
### Parameter
### Retval
|0|int|Battery not exist|
|1|int|Battery exist|
>i## GetBatteryVoltage
### Prototype
`unsigned int GetBatteryVoltage(void);`
### Function
* Get main battery voltage in mV
### Parameter
### Retval
|The main battery voltage|unsigned int|mV|
>i## GetBatteryTemp
### Prototype
`int GetBatteryTemp(void);`
### Function
* Get main battery tempreature in degrees Celsius
### Parameter
### Retval
|The main battery voltage|int|-5 to 50|
>i## GetBatteryPercent
### Prototype
`unsigned int GetBatteryPercent(void);`
### Function
* Get main battery capacity percentage which estimate from voltage
### Parameter
### Retval
|The main battery capacity percentage|unsigned int|0 to 100|
>i## SetSysSleepLevel
### Prototype
`void SetSysSleepLevel(sleep_level_t sleep_level);`
### Function
* set system sleep level
### Parameter
|sleep_level|sleep_level_t|see struct sleep_level_t|
### Retval
>i## GetSysSleepLevel
### Prototype
`sleep_level_t GetSysSleepLevel(void);`
### Function
* get device sleep level
### Parameter
### Retval
|sleep level|sleep_level_t|see struct sleep_level_t|
>i## SetSysSleepTime
### Prototype
`void SetSysSleepTime(int tsec);`
### Function
* Setup system waiting time, will sleep after a none-operation of user specified second
### Parameter
|tsec|int|seconds, minimum 10 second|
### Retval
>i## SetSysDeepSleepTimeout
### Prototype
`void SetSysDeepSleepTimeout(int tsec);`
### Function
* Set system timeout to deep sleep
**Notice:Device enter into deep sleep only when sleep mode is set to level2**
### Parameter
|tsec|int|timeout seconds, allow 5 to 3600 seconds|
### Retval
>i## ResetSysSleepTimer
### Prototype
`void ResetSysSleepTimer(void);`
### Function
* System sleeping timer restart
### Parameter
### Retval
>i## GetSysStatus
### Prototype
`int GetSysStatus(void);`
### Function
* Get system sleeping status
### Parameter
### Retval
|0|int|system sleeping|
|1|int|system NOT sleeping|
>i## KbToneNV
### Prototype
`void KbToneNV(int onoff);`
### Function
* Keyboard sound switch, and store this config to NV
### Parameter
|onoff|int|[in] 0-OFF,1-ON|
### Retval
>i## IsKbToneEnable
### Prototype
`int IsKbToneEnable(void);`
### Function
* Get current keyboard sound switch status
### Parameter
|onoff|int|[in] 0-OFF,1-ON|
### Retval
|0|int|keyboard sound OFF|
|1|int|keyboard sound ON|
>i## GetSysInfo
### Prototype
`int GetSysInfo(char *info, int flag);`
### Function
* Get system information
### Parameter
|info|char *|[out] system information got|
|flag|int|[int] 0-ismi, 1-ccid, 2-imei, 3-version (information type)|
### Retval
>s## Example
///< power on SP
///< get device SN
int iRet = 0;
unsigned char devSn[64] = {0};
iRet = GetDSN(devSn, sizeof(devSn));
if (iRet < 0) {
return iRet;
///< get Mercury Plat version
unsigned int platVer = 0;
platVer = GetMercuryPlatformVer();
///< get system lib version
char *pSysLbVer = BWSDK_GetSysLibVersion();
///< get SDK version
unsigned char majVer = 0;
unsigned char midVer = 0;
unsigned char minVer = 0;
char *pSDKVer = BWSDK_GetVersion(&majVer, &midVer, &minVer);
///< get applib version
char *pApplibVer = AppLib_GetVersion();
///< delay 100 ms
///< get system tick count
unsigned int sysTickCount = GetSysTickCount();
///< get and set system time
int iRet = 0;
tsSysTime datime;
memset(&datime, 0, sizeof(tsSysTime));
iRet = GetSysLocalTime(&datime);
if (!iRet) {
datime.year = 2019;
iRet = SetSysLocalTime(&datime);
return iRet;
///< battery
int flag = 1;
if (IsBatteryExist()) {
if (GetBatteryVoltage() <= 3400) {
if (!IsChargerExist() || !IsCharging()) {
flag = 0;
if (GetBatteryTemp() > 40) {
flag = 0;
if (flag) {
return SUCCESS;
return ERROR;
///< system sleep function
int iRet = 0;
sleep_level_t sleepLevel = SLEEP_LEVEL_UNINITED;
iRet = GetSysStatus();
if (iRet) {
sleepLevel = GetSysSleepLevel();
if (SLEEP_LEVEL_DEEP != sleepLevel) {
SetSysSleepLevel(SLEEP_LEVEL_DEEP );
return SUCCESS;
///< turn off keytone
if (IsKbToneEnable()) {
///< get system information
char imei[64] = {0};
if (0 == GetSysInfo(imei, 2)) {
LOGD("imei = %s\r\n", imei);