>w## Notice
> * please include the header file "mmi_display.h" first when you want to show text on the device screen using display module
`#include "mmi_display.h"`
>i## data structure
* @brief screen display biggest character
#if defined(QR100)
#define SCREEN_WIDTH (20)
#define SCREEN_WIDTH (26)
* @brief enum definition of display vertical alignment
typedef enum
DISP_Line1 = 1, /*!< line 1 */
DISP_Line2 = 2, /*!< line 2 */
DISP_Line3 = 3, /*!< line 3 */
DISP_Line4 = 4, /*!< line 4 */
DISP_Line5 = 5, /*!< line 5 */
DISP_Line6 = 6, /*!< line 6 */
#if defined(QR100)
DISP_Line7 = 7, /*!< line 7 */
DISP_Line8 = 8, /*!< line 8 */
DISP_Line9 = 9, /*!< line 9 */
DISP_Top = 0xE0, /*!< to top */
DISP_Bottom = 0xE1, /*!< to buttom */
DISP_Bottom2 = 0xE2, /*!< to buttom 2 */
DISP_VCenter = 0xE3 /*!< to vertical center */
} DISP_VAlign;
* @brief clear the screen
#define DISP_ClearALL 255
* @brief enum definition of display horizontal alignment
typedef enum
DISP_Left = 0xE0, /*!< to left */
DISP_Right = 0xE1, /*!< to right */
DISP_HCenter = 0xE2 /*!< to horizontal center */
} DISP_HAlign;
* @brief struct definition of display param
typedef struct
unsigned int alignL; /*!< horizontal center */
int backgroundColor; /*!< background color */
int color; /*!< font color */
int fontBackgroundColor; /*!< font background color */
} tsDispParam;
>i## mmi_clearLine
### Prototype
`void mmi_clearLine(unsigned int line);`
### Function
* clear screen
### Parameter
|line|unsigned int|value of DISP_VAlign or DISP_ClearALL|
### Retval
>i## mmi_display
### Prototype
`int mmi_display(DISP_VAlign line, unsigned int column, char *pszFmt, ...);`
### Function
* show text on screen
### Parameter
|line|DISP_VAlign|value of DISP_VAlign|
|column|unsigned int|horizon position in line|
|pszFmt|char *|text want to show, support format print|
### Retval
|> 0|int|next line|
>i## mmi_displayEx
### Prototype
`int mmi_displayEx(tsDispParam *pDispParam, DISP_VAlign line, const char *text);`
### Function
* show format text on screen
### Parameter
|pDispParam|tsDispParam *|show format|
|line|DISP_VAlign|value of DISP_VAlign|
|text|const char *|show content|
### Retval
|> 0|int|next line|
>i## mmi_displayOfBlackBg
### Prototype
`int mmi_displayOfBlackBg(DISP_VAlign line, unsigned int column, char *pszFmt, ...);`
### Function
* show text on the black background of screen
### Parameter
|line|DISP_VAlign|value of DISP_VAlign|
|column|unsigned int|horizon position in line|
|pszFmt|char *|text want to show, support format print|
### Retval
|> 0|int|next line|
>i## mmi_displayQrCode
### Prototype
`int mmi_displayQrCode(DISP_VAlign line, unsigned int column, unsigned char *qrcode, unsigned short width, unsigned short height);`
### Function
* show QR code on screen
### Parameter
|line|DISP_VAlign|value of DISP_VAlign|
|column|unsigned int|horizon position in line|
|qrcode|unsigned char *|QR code string|
|width|unsigned short|QR code width|
|height|unsigned short|QR code height|
### Retval
|> 0|int|next line|
>i## mmi_displayBMP
### Prototype
`int mmi_displayBMP(DISP_VAlign line, unsigned int column, unsigned char *bmpData, unsigned short width, unsigned short height);`
### Function
* show BMP picture on screen
### Parameter
|line|DISP_VAlign|value of DISP_VAlign|
|column|unsigned int|horizon position in line|
|bmpData|unsigned char *|bmp data string|
|width|unsigned short|bmp picture width|
|height|unsigned short|bmp picture height|
### Retval
|> 0|int|next line|
>i## mmi_displayProgressbar
### Prototype
`void mmi_displayProgressbar(DISP_VAlign line, int borderColor, int backgroundColor, unsigned int percent);`
### Function
* show progress bar on screen
### Parameter
|line|DISP_VAlign|value of DISP_VAlign|
|borderColor|int|border color of the progress bar|
|backgroundColor|int|progress bar color|
|percent|unsigned int|progress percent|
### Retval
>i## mmi_displayTimerStart
### Prototype
`void mmi_displayTimerStart(DISP_VAlign line, unsigned int column, unsigned char flipEnable, int timeout);`
### Function
* show timer on screen
### Parameter
|line|DISP_VAlign|value of DISP_VAlign|
|column|unsigned int|horizon position in line|
|flipEnable|unsigned char|enable countdown or not|
|timeout|int|timeout setting|
### Retval
>i## mmi_displayTimerStop
### Prototype
`void mmi_displayTimerStop(void);`
### Function
* stop showing progress bar on screen
### Parameter
### Retval
>s## Example
///<clear the entire screen
///<show text in the center of the second line of screen
char model[4] = "P90";
mmi_display(DISP_Line2, DISP_HCenter, "SmartPeak %s", model);
///<show red text in the left of the second line of screen
mmi_displayEx(&dispParam, DISP_Line2, "SmartPeak");
///<show title in the center of the first line of screen
char model[4] = "P90"; mmi_displayOfBlackBg(DISP_Line1, DISP_HCenter, "SmartPeak %s", model);
///<show QR code in the center of screen
mmi_displayQrCode(DISP_Line2, DISP_HCenter, "SmartPeak P90", 150, 150);
///<show BMP picture in the center of screen
mmi_displayBMP(DISP_Line2, DISP_HCenter, imgData, 300, 150);
///<show progress bar in second line of screen
mmi_displayProgressbar(DISP_Line2, MERCURY_BLACK, MERCURY_GREEN, 100);
///<show progress bar in second line of screen
mmi_displayProgressbar(DISP_Line2, MERCURY_BLACK, MERCURY_GREEN, 100);
///<show count down timer in the center of screen
mmi_displayTimerStart(DISP_VCenter, DISP_HCenter, 1, 60);
///<stop timer