>w## Notice
> * please include the header file "bwsdk_api.h" when you need to use the beeper
`#include "bwsdk_api.h"`
>i## SpSysBeepOn
### Prototype
`int SpSysBeepOn(unsigned int uiFreq, unsigned int uiOnMs);`
### Function
* turn on the beeper for uiOnMs ms in uiFreq frequency
### Parameter
|uiFreq|unsigned int|beep frequency|
|uiOnMs|unsigned int|beep time|
### Retval
>i## SpSysBeepOff
### Prototype
`int SpSysBeepOff(void);`
### Function
* turn off the beeper
### Parameter
### Retval
>s## Example
///< turn on the beeper for 150 ms in 1000 frequency
int iRet = 0;
SpSysBeepOn(1000, 150);
///< turn off the beeper
iRet = SpSysBeepOff();
return iRet;