Mag Card
>w## Notice
> * please include the header file "bwsdk_api.h" when you need to use Mag Card
`#include "bwsdk_api.h"`
>i## data structure
* @brief Track TAG of magcard
typedef enum {
} TagTrack_t;
///< The maximum allowed is: track1 = 79; track2 = 40; track3 = 107.
#define MAG_TRACK1_SIZE 80
#define MAG_TRACK2_SIZE 48
#define MAG_TRACK3_SIZE 112
#define MAG_TRACK1_MASK (1<<0) ///< bitmask of TRACK1
#define MAG_TRACK2_MASK (1<<1) ///< bitmask of TRACK2
#define MAG_TRACK3_MASK (1<<2) ///< bitmask of TRACK3
#define MAG_TRACKV_MASK (1<<3) ///< bitmask of TRACKView
* @brief Track infomation of magcard
typedef struct {
unsigned char ucNr; ///< count of tracks with data
unsigned char ucTrackMask; ///< bismasks of tracks with data. Refer to MAG_TRACKx_MASK
unsigned char aucTrack1[MAG_TRACK1_SIZE]; ///< Track 1 string
unsigned char aucTrack2[MAG_TRACK2_SIZE]; ///< Track 2 string
unsigned char aucTrack3[MAG_TRACK3_SIZE]; ///< Track 3 string
unsigned char aucTrkView[MAG_TRACK2_SIZE]; ///< Track view string
} MagTrack_T;
* @brief Encrypted track infomation of magcard
typedef struct {
unsigned char ucNr; ///< count of tracks with data
unsigned char ucTrackMask; ///< bismasks of tracks with data. Refer to MAG_TRACKx_MASK
unsigned char ucTrk1Len; ///< Length of track 1 data
unsigned char ucTrk2Len; ///< Length of track 1 data
unsigned char ucTrk3Len; ///< Length of track 1 data
unsigned char ucTrkVLen; ///< Length of track view
unsigned char aucTrack1[MAG_TRACK1_SIZE]; ///< track 1 data
unsigned char aucTrack2[MAG_TRACK2_SIZE]; ///< track 1 data
unsigned char aucTrack3[MAG_TRACK3_SIZE]; ///< track 1 data
unsigned char aucTrackView[MAG_TRACK2_SIZE]; ///< track 2 string
} MagEncryptTrack_T;
>i## MagCardOpenRev
### Prototype
`int MagCardOpenRev(void);`
### Function
* open MagCard module
### Parameter
### Retval
>i## MagCardReadRev
### Prototype
`int MagCardReadRev(MagTrack_T *pstTracks);`
### Function
* Read magcard data
### Parameter
|pstTracks|MagTrack_T *|return MagCard tracks data|
### Retval
>i## PedMagCardEncryptReadRev
### Prototype
`int PedMagCardEncryptReadRev(int iTtkIdx, int iMode, MagEncryptTrack_T *pstTracks);`
### Function
* Read encrypted magcard data
### Parameter
|iTtkIdx|int|TTK index|
|iMode|int|mode of encrypt:0x00: ECB mode, padding by 0x00; 0x01: CBC mode, padding by 0x00; 0x02: CNCUP mode|
|pstTracks|MagEncryptTrack_T *|return encrypted MagCard tracks data|
### Retval
>i## MagCardCloseRev
### Prototype
`int MagCardCloseRev(void);`
### Function
* Close MagCard module
### Parameter
### Retval
>s## Example
int iRet = 0;
MagTrack_T magTrack;
MagEncryptTrack_T magEncryptTrack;
iRet = MagCardOpenRev();
if (!iRet) {
memset(&magTrack, 0, sizeof(MagTrack_T));
iRet = MagCardReadRev(&magTrack);
///< or you need to encrypt the data
memset(&magEncryptTrack, 0, sizeof(MagEncryptTrack_T));
iRet = PedMagCardEncryptReadRev(0x03, 0x00, &magEncryptTrack);
if (!iRet) {
logger_serial_dump_buff("track data:", &magTrack, sizeof(MagTrack_T));
return iRet;