
[TOC] > 参考项:https://github.com/openresty/lua-nginx-module#installation # 安装依赖项 ``` yum -y install gcc zlib zlib-devel pcre-devel openssl openssl-devel # lua_jit wget http://luajit.org/download/LuaJIT-2.0.5.tar.gz tar -xvf LuaJIT-2.0.5.tar.gz cd LuaJIT-2.0.5 make install ``` # 下载安装nginx和依赖项 ``` cd /netease # nginx wget http://nginx.org/download/nginx-1.14.2.tar.gz tar -xvf nginx-1.14.2.tar.gz # ndk wget https://github.com/simplresty/ngx_devel_kit/archive/v0.3.0.zip unzip v0.3.0.zip # ngx_lua 模块 wget https://github.com/openresty/lua-nginx-module/archive/v0.10.14.zip unzip v0.10.14.zip # 安装nginx cd nginx-1.14.2 ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/nginx-1.14.2 \ --add-module=../ngx_devel_kit-0.3.0 \ --add-module=../lua-nginx-module-0.10.14 ``` # 测试lua模块是否安装成功 ## 0、 创建一个文件夹存储lua脚本 ``` mkdir /usr/local/nginx-1.14.2/lua_scripts ``` ## 1、创建mydata.lua ``` -- mydata.lua local _M = {} local data = { dog = 3, cat = 4, pig = 5, } function _M.get_age(name) return data[name] end return _M ``` ## 2、 nginx.conf文件 ``` lua_package_path "/usr/local/nginx-1.14.2/lua_scripts/?.lua;;"; server { ... location /lua { content_by_lua_block { local mydata = require "mydata" ngx.say(mydata.get_age("dog")) } } ``` ## 可能的错误 ``` # 1、动态库找不到 ./sbin/nginx: error while loading shared libraries: libluajit-5.1.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory # 解决办法: echo "/usr/local/lib" > /etc/ld.so.conf.d/usr_local_lib.conf ldconfig # 2、warn提示 nginx: [alert] detected a LuaJIT version which is not OpenResty's; many optimizations will be disabled and performance will be compromised (see https://github.com/openresty/luajit2 for OpenResty's LuaJIT or, even better, consider using the OpenResty releases from https://openresty.org/en/download.html) # 告诉你,你不要用这个luajit版本,可以用openresty提供的luajit优化版本,或者干脆直接用openresty ``` # 安装lua_redis ``` wget https://codeload.github.com/openresty/lua-resty-redis/zip/master unzip master cd lua-resty-redis-master make && make install ```